Explore and Learn at Atal Botanical Garden

A Student's Gateway to Discovery!

Atal Botanical Garden is more than just a collection of plants and trees; it's a vibrant educational hub where history, science, and nature blend to offer a rich learning experience for students. From exploring the depths of the earth to unraveling the mysteries of the natural world, our garden is a treasure trove of knowledge. Check out what we have in store:

start 2023

01. Learn History
02. Learn Science
03. Learn Astronomy

Embark on a Journey of Knowledge and Exploration!

Embark on a daily journey of wonder and discovery, where every visit to Atal Botanical Garden unfolds new adventures in learning and fun!

Underground Museum
Delve into the Past!

1. Historical Exhibits: Discover the rich history of Chandrapur through detailed exhibits and artifacts.
2. Fossil Gallery: Marvel at an extensive collection of animal and plant fossils, unveiling the secrets of ancient life.
3. Interactive Learning: Engage in interactive sessions that bring history and paleontology to life.

Conservation Zones

Discover the Diversity of Nature!

1. Botanical Diversity: Explore various plants and learn about their unique characteristics and uses.
2. State Trees Exhibit: A special section showcasing the signature trees from different states of the country.
3. Conservation Education: Understand the importance of conservation and how we can protect our natural heritage.




A Glimpse into Aquatic Life!

Diverse Marine Life: Encounter a wide range of aquatic species, from freshwater habitats to deep-sea creatures.
Educational Tours: Guided tours explaining the ecology and biology of different aquatic organisms.
Conservation Efforts: Learn about marine conservation and the challenges facing aquatic ecosystems.

Science Museum

Unravel the Mysteries of Science!

Experiment Stations: Hands-on experiments demonstrating various scientific principles.
Human Body Exploration: Interactive exhibits on human anatomy and physiology.
Crystal World: Learn about the fascinating world of crystals and minerals, with examples from around the globe.

Physics Experiments

Biology Exhibits

Science Movie

Earth Crystals

Plan Your Visit Now!

Atal Botanical Garden is not just a place to visit, but a space to learn, wonder, and connect with the natural world. We look forward to welcoming students and educators to this haven of knowledge and exploration!